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Condition Group Collections

Condition Group Collections allow the implementation of one or more rule sets (Condition Groups). These Condition Groups can be attached to Group Fields within Message Templates or Actions within Flow Templates. Only when all rules of a Condition Group evaluate to be True does the Group Field or Action the Condition Group assigned get processed. The Condition Groups, therefore, are a key ingredient of dynamic test configurations. Please note that all assets of a Project must use a single Condition Group Collection.

Condition Group Collection Designer

You can create Condition Group Collections on the Test Assets page by clicking the Create button and selecting Condition Group Collection from the menu. The main areas of the Condition Group Collection Designer are illustrated by the pictures below.

Condition Group Collection Designer Layout

Condition Group Collection Designer Layout

The following table describes the interface areas highlighted by the red dots.

1Name FieldThe field is an input area to provide a name for the Condition Group Collection. Click on the "Condition Group Collection Name” text and start typing to name the your document.
2Editor MenuThe menu exposes certain operations, such as saving the document.
3Create Group ButtonUse the button to create a new Condition Group. A form will appear (7) that allows providing a name and a description for the group.
4New Condition ButtonClick this button to add a new Condition Rule to the selected Condition Group.
5Delete Group ButtonClicking this button results in the deletion of the actively selected Condition Group.
6Group ListList of Condition Groups withing the Condition Group Collection.
7New Group FormA form that allows editing the name and description of new or existing Condition Groups.
8Rule ListA list of Condition Rules added to the actively selected Condition Group.
9Rule ActionsThe action buttons allow editing or deleting a Condition Rule.
AVariable SelectorAllows selecting a Session Variable from the Variable Collection assigned to the document as the left-hand-side Comparable of the Condition Rule. You must specify whether to use the Raw or Rendered value of the variable during the evaluation of the rule. You can learn how the Raw and Rendered value differs here.
B+CCondition SelectorsThe fields allow defining the conditions against which the Comparables are evaluated.
DComparable SelectorThe fields allow specifying the right-hand-side Comparable of the Condition Rule.
EAction ButtonsThe buttons allow saving or cancelling the new Condition Rule.

Condition Groups

A Condition Group is a collection of Condition Rules that can be assigned to Group Fields within Message Templates or Actions within Test Flow Templates. It is a list of Condition Rules that are evaluated in order of their appearance. All Condition Rules must evaluate to be True for the Condition Group to have an effect.

For example, when the Condition Group is attached to a Group Field within a Message Template, the Engine only processes the Group Field if all Condition Rules evaluate to True.

Condition Rules

A Condition Rule defines a criteria that must be met. A Condition Rule operates based on two Comparables (subject of the evaluation criteria) and a simple condition definition, such as "must be equal to".

Variable Collection Assignment

The left-hand-side Comparable must be a Session Variable. Therefore, a Condition Group Collection must have a Variable Collection assigned to be able to create Condition Rules.

You can assign a Variable Collection to the document by selecting the View menu from the Editor Menu and selecting the Configuration menu item. Then, select the desired Variable Collection using the Variable Collection dropdown field on the configuration panel.


The Conditional Group Rendering and Conditional Group Testing examples on GitLab demonstrate the use of Condition Group Collections.