📄️ Overview
GUARDARA has an import feature that allows importing messages from Wireshark network captures.
📄️ 1. Environment Setup
If you haven't installed the Manager yet, the Manager Installation section of the documentation will guide you through the process.
📄️ 2. Importing Messages
You can upload Wireshark capture files on the Test Assets page by clicking on the Import button and selecting the Import from Network Capture option in the pop-up menu.
📄️ 3. Test Flow Setup
Click on the Create button on the Test Assets page and select the New Test Flow Template (Client-mode) option. You land on the Flow Template Designer, which allows for creating a Test Flow template. A Test Flow Template is a list of actions performed during test runs, such as connecting to a target, sending test cases based on Message Template(s), receiving and processing data, and disconnecting from the target.
📄️ 4. Project Configuration
Creating a Project is the final step of the test configuration. The purpose of a project is to define the target(s) to be tested, what transport mechanism to use to deliver the test cases, and, optionally, how to monitor the target for unexpected/unintended behaviour. Additionally, the Project allows configuring specific run-time options to fine-tune test execution.
📄️ 5. Run Test
Start Testing
📄️ 6. Reporting
Issues identified during the test run are stored in a Report. You can access all Project reports on the Test Assets page by clicking the View Report button of the Project. Clicking the red Findings button discussed earlier leads straight to the most recent report that belongs to the current test run.